Why General Buhari’s Government Is After Me - Reno Omokri

I woke up this morning to find out that the agents of the Buhari administration
have changed their story. They initially lied that I received grants from foreign
agencies and NGOs. When I publicly challenged them to provide evidence or at
least name even one of these agencies, they changed their story and now claim
that I visit churches to preach and collect money for #FreeLeahSharibu
This new lie is as easily dismissed as their first lie. I have NOT preached in ANY
church in the last 3 years, nor sold books at ANY church. I have NEVER
collected even a penny from ANY church for #FreeLeahSharibu or ANY other
activity, and I challenge these liars to show evidence that I did. I have close to
a million followers on Twitter alone and hundreds of thousands more on
Facebook and Instagram and I have advertised on those media for ANY church
that has given me even one penny to please speak up. I am still waiting.
Perhaps their imagined churches or NGOs are in Mars.
I was informed by a pastor in a very prominent ministry that my crime against
the Buhari government is that Leah Sharibu's mother's visited the US to appeal
for #FreeLeahSharibu and that I also sponsored free #BusesForDemocracy to
enable Nigerians vote in the 2019 elections
They took a decision to discredit me by all means because they felt
embarrassed by the wide media coverage that Rubecca Sharibu, Leah’s mother,
got in America. Maybe if they apply the energy they are using to attack me in
rescuing Leah, I wouldn’t have to pursue #FreeLeahSharibu
To discredit me and make me abandon Leah Sharibu’s cause, they activated
their agents and asked them to launch a COORDINATED attack against me and
the #FreeLeahSharibu movement I founded. They FAILED yesterday. They are
FAILING today and they will FAIL tomorrow, so help me God!
If, as they claim, I enriched myself via #FreeLeahSharibu, let the Scripture below
be my portion. If my accusers falsely accuse me, then let it be their portions in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
"Evil will never leave the houseof one who pays back evil for good."-Proverbs
17:13 #FreeLeahSharibu
My personal message to General Buhari is this: I will NEVER abandon
#FreeLeahSharibu. I will NEVER keep quiet about the plight of the Body of
Christ in Nigeria. And I will NEVER bow to you. In fact, both YOU and I will BOW
to the ONLY God in existence: God of The Bible
The reason I initially kept the money I raised for Leah Sharibu's family secret
was because a Nigerian Senator begged me to do so. He was afraid that if I
made it public, they could be kidnapped #FreeLeahSharibu is meant to HELP
them, not hurt THEM
You can't please haters and you certainly can't please those who were paid by
Buhari's government. If I keep quiet about how I gave ALL proceeds from my
book on Leah to her parents, they will say I kept the money. If I reveal it, they
will say I am a SHOW OFF #FreeLeahSharibu
To those who have collected money from the Buhari government to discredit
me, I have only the word of God for you:
"the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the
Egyptians came to dread the Israelites"-Exodus 1:12
Finally, to those who have been paid to discredit me and the #FreeLeahSharibu
campaign, you have FAILED. But more importantly, you will reap the spiritual
and physical repercussions of your perfidy long after the money you were paid
has been exhausted.

Reno Omokri
Thinker. #1 Bestselling author of Facts V Fiction: True Story of GEJ Years. Avid
traveler. Table Shaker. Buhari Tormentor. Sharer of the Gospel, not the gossip


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