Why General Buhari’s Government Is After Me - Reno Omokri

I woke up this morning to find out that the agents of the Buhari administration have changed their story. They initially lied that I received grants from foreign agencies and NGOs. When I publicly challenged them to provide evidence or at least name even one of these agencies, they changed their story and now claim that I visit churches to preach and collect money for #FreeLeahSharibu This new lie is as easily dismissed as their first lie. I have NOT preached in ANY church in the last 3 years, nor sold books at ANY church. I have NEVER collected even a penny from ANY church for #FreeLeahSharibu or ANY other activity, and I challenge these liars to show evidence that I did. I have close to a million followers on Twitter alone and hundreds of thousands more on Facebook and Instagram and I have advertised on those media for ANY church that has given me even one penny to please speak up. I am still waiting. Perhaps their imagined churches or NGOs are in Mars. I was informed by...